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+7 (495) 933 87 77

Schepkina street, 10, Moscow

Jointly with a leading Japanese laboratory Stemphys offers a mesenchymal stem cells rejuvenation procedure!

Regenerative medicine is based on the concept of replacing damaged or dead cells by new stem cells, which charm away or cure diseases. This method is widely used to rejuvenate the body, extend the active aging, relieve stress and improve the quality of life.

Clinic of regenerative technologies Stemphys is a unique Russian project that combines the most advanced Japanese cellular and hardware technologies, confirmed by the global practice of clinical research, and the individual approach to the diagnosis and treatment of each patient.

Traditional cosmetics can prevent irreversible consequences of aging, whereas the cellular one eliminates the root cause of changes in the structure of the skin. The purpose of therapy is to awaken the hidden reserves of the body, to make cells function like at a young age.