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+7 (495) 933 87 77

Schepkina street, 10, Moscow

Jointly with a leading Japanese laboratory Stemphys offers a mesenchymal stem cells rejuvenation procedure!

Professional cellular cosmetics

Traditional cosmetics can prevent irreversible consequences of aging, whereas the cellular one eliminates the root cause of changes in the structure of the skin. The purpose of therapy is to awaken the hidden reserves of the body, to make cells function like at a young age.

Cosmetic brands

Swiss Perfection is a revolutionary concept, based on plant cells with highly active ingredients. This is a brand new range of products, fundamentally different from any other pre-existing cosmetics, which effectively eliminates premature aging of the skin. A characteristic feature of all products is a carefully calculated ratio between plant cells, extracts and other valuable active ingredients.
Cell Fusion C / Cell membrane Structure - is a professional cosmeceutical line of severe exposure, aimed at normalizing the metabolic processes in the skin cells. The products are created involving biologists, dermatologists, biochemists, plastic surgeons of CMS International (South Korea). The basis of the innovation was put developments in the field of information ingredients and nanoencapsulation delivery of biologically active substances.