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+7 (495) 933 87 77

Schepkina street, 10, Moscow


Rejuvenation using mesenchymal stem cells in Japan

Regenerative medicine is based on the concept of replacing damaged or dead cells by new stem cells, which rejuvenate the body, charm away or cure diseases. The basis of today's regenerative medicine are technologies that allow to work with stem cells as follows:

  • to get (extract) stem cells;
  • to cultivate (generate) stem cells;
  • to use stem cells in the original methods of treatment and diagnosis.

It is common practice of biotech companies, working with stem cells, to build their business around the possession of one of these groups of technologies. Jointly with a leading Japanese laboratory Stemphys is the owner of all these technologies and offers them now to Russian clients. Our Center combines Japanese technologies and our fifteen years' successful experience of medical clinics management.

FAQ about Regenerative Medicine

What is regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine is the clinical process to repair injured tissues and organs through the use of human cells. In our treatments, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are taken from your fat, cultivated and put back in your body, repairing your damaged tissues.
What are mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)?
In the many and different kinds of cells of which our body is made up of, MSCs are young and primitive cells which function in repairing tissues and keeping them healthy. As we grow older the number of MSCs decreases gradually.
How many clients have been treated?
As of April 2012,We have treated around 250 clients. Most of them have recovered from condition and have improved their health.
How much fat is needed?
We require about 4-10ml of fat. With such a small amount there is no risk of damage left where fat is collected.